速報APP / 娛樂 / Millionaire - calculator game

Millionaire - calculator game





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本


Millionaire - calculator game(圖1)-速報App

It seems like stupid and simple but is it. Millionaire - calculator game is not a game, it is about achieve billion by adding numbers to sum until you reach billion. Your start sum is 0, than you add 1, your new sum is 1, than you add 2, your new sum is 3

, add 3, sum is 6, add 4, sum is 10, than 5, sum is 15 etc . If you hit equals you will add last number you added, be aware of adding wrong number, you might get back to 0 again ......, until Billion, you might have two errors until Billion. Extremely simple but almost impossible to finish so called game - Billion isn't a game, billion is real thing when you are bored. Simple, stupid or not some of us are playing since it was created and it ain't simple at all .Simple adding game.Simple adding game.Extremely simple but almost impossible to finish so called game - Billion.Extremely simple but almost impossible to finish so called game - Billion.Extremely simple but almost impossible to finish so called game - Billion .Extremely simple but almost impossible to finish so called game - Billion.Extremely simple but almost impossible to finish so called game - Billion

Millionaire - calculator game(圖2)-速報App

Millionaire - calculator game(圖3)-速報App

Millionaire - calculator game(圖4)-速報App